A letter from our Board Chair & Executive Director
2022 was an incredible year setting the stage and paving the way for a brighter future for the KFC Foundation, restaurant employees and their communities. None of what we do would be possible without you.
The spare change KFC customers donated by rounding up their order in 2022 added up to $3 million. These contributions doubled our operating budget and doubled the possibilities for how we could invest in the lives of restaurant employees, their families and their communities.
KFC Franchisees continued their generosity by donating a portion of their Secret Recipe Fries sales to the KFC Foundation.
Because of your support, we launched an opportunity for KFC restaurant employees to pursue a college degree through Western Governors University, with 100% of their tuition and required fees being covered by the KFC Foundation.
Because of your support, we granted $500,000 in wishes to 50 non-profit organizations making an invaluable difference in their communities.
Because of your support, we partnered with Crisis Text Line to provide text-based mental health support for restaurant employees, 24/7.
Because of your support, we awarded $2 million in scholarships in 2022 to help restaurant employees attend the trade school, college and graduate school of their choice—and awarded $2.5 million in 2023.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. We helped hundreds of families make it through times of crisis, empowered restaurant employees to earn their GED, inspired positive financial habits, and more.
None of this is possible without you. Thank you for investing in the KFC Foundation. Thank you for investing in the lives of thousands of KFC restaurant employees.
With gratitude,

Board Chair
Executive Director
Together, we’re making communities brighter making education accessible supporting families in crisis inspiring financial stability
“A new therapy and vegetable garden will be created at Nassau Haven, thanks to a $10,000 grant from the KFC Foundation. This is an especially meaningful project as we were nominated by David Pierre Jr., a former resident of our Walkabout program. David resided at Walkabout 23 years ago and saved $7,000 while in the program. David is now the general manager of the KFC in Lynbrook and has since helped six Walkabout residents obtain employment with KFC. Thank you, David, the entire team at KFC, and the KFC Foundation for this generous gift.”
– Family & Children’s Association in Garden City, New York
“As a first-generation college student who is paying out of pocket, it is such a blessing to have won a scholarship through the KFC Foundation. When my manager told me, I broke out into tears. Winning this scholarship really allowed me to follow the path to my future as an interpreter. Knowing that I work for an organization that offers this amazing opportunity means the world to me.”
– Emma, KFC team member in Mountain City, Tennessee
“The KFC Foundation really went above and beyond to make sure I was taken care of. You have no idea how much this has helped me in getting through my loss. Without KFC, I don’t know where we would be today.”
– Kaitlyn, KFC shift supervisor
How We Raise Money

Thank You to Those Who Make Our Work Possible
2022 Donors
To Every KFC Customer Who Donated
Thank you for rounding up your KFC order total for the KFC Foundation! Your spare change is changing lives.
To Participating KFC Franchisees
A & W Enterprises, L.L.C.
A. Cavegn, Inc.
Abalar Fast Foods, Inc.
AC Foods, LLC
Adirondack Chicken Corp.
Advanced Kotes, LLC
Afco Services, Inc.
AGI Investment LLC
Alfarah Restaurant Group of IL, Inc.
Alvarado Concepts, LLC
Alvin Food Corporation, Inc.
American Corporate Learning Academy, Inc.
Ampex Brands
Anred, Inc.
Anthony Lovato and Marlyn Velda Lovato
ARAMARK Services, Inc.
ARJ Management Corp.
Armin Food, Inc.
Arnold & Sons, LLC
Article Four Trust UW Roy W. Burchel
Attleboro KFC Corp.
B & G Food Enterprises of Texas, L.L.C.
Baker Management Group, Inc.
Beeville Food Corp Inc
Bell Carolina LLC
Bell Great Lakes LLC
Bell Indiana LLC
Bells and Birds, Inc.
Bhans Management LLC
Bixby Chicken, LLC
BK Foods LLC
Bower and Son, Inc.
Bower II, Inc.
Bowling Restaurant Group, LLC
Bratt KT, Inc.
Braydon Enterprises, Inc.
Brazos Fast Food Corporation, Inc.
Bunch Enterprises, Inc.
BurgerBusters Inc.
C & B Restaurant Corp.
C & M Fast Food, L.L.C.
C and S Graci, Inc.
C. & M. Smith Restaurants, Inc.
CA Foods, LLC
Cantina Hospitality, LLC
Carol Stream Chicken, Inc.
Central Florida KFC, Inc.
Central Iowa KFC, Inc.
Champion Restaurants – Fiesta, LLC
Charter Central, LLC
Charter Foods
Charter Foods, Inc.
Chicken Champs Inc.
Chicken of Summersville, Inc.
Chicken Shack Potsdam LLC
Chuck Wheeler Restaurant, Inc.
Cicero Addison Chicken, Inc.
CJS Group, Inc.
ClareKT, Inc.
CLC Idaho, LLC
Colonel’s of Logan, Inc.
Colonel’s Take Home, Inc.
Compass Group USA, Inc.
Coward Enterprises, Inc.
Crow’s Steak House, Inc.
CTS Emporia, LLC
D.E. Foods
DA-21, LLC
Dana Enterprises Limited
Darlington Poulet, Inc.
Darren Whitaker
Dave Brahmbhatt
David R. Sparks and Dianna S. Sparks
Dee Jay’s QSR, Inc.
Delaware Restaurants, LLC
Desert De Oro Foods, Inc.
Diaz Management
Dickinson Food Corporation, Inc.
Diza Chicken
Dunn & Bowling, Ltd.
Durant Chicken, LLC
E.A.P. Management Corp.
E.M. Thomas Management, Inc.
EAB Ventures, LLC
East Brunswick KFC, Inc.
Easter Food Systems, Inc.
EGP Louisiana LLC
EYM Chicken
F & F Food Service, Inc.
Felker Day, Inc.
Fitzpatrick Acquisitions
Five Star, Limited Partnership
FLG Chicken, LLC
Fred L. Ruth, Sr.
Fried with Pride, Inc.
Friends Fast Food, Inc.
Fulenwider Enterprises, Inc.
Fullerton Chicken, Inc.
Future K, LLC
G & J Restaurants Corporation
G. & S. Restaurants, Inc.
G. Ruiz Investments Corporation
G.R.R. Investments, Inc.
G.R.S. Restaurants, Inc.
Gallant and Willette, Inc.
Gallant, Inc.
Galleria Mall Food Corp.
Galloway Enterprises, Inc.
Garden State Fast Food Corp.
Gecko Ventures, L.L.C.
GIA Investment Group, LLC
Golden Triangle Enterprises, LLC
Gordonsville KT, LLC
Graja, Inc.
Great Bend Chicken, LLC
Gyarmathy & Associates, Inc.
H & S Restaurants, Inc.
Hannons KFC
Happy Avenue 7 L.P.
Happy Day, Inc.
Harman Management
Hartsville Poulet, Inc.
Haupt Investments, Inc.
Hawk’s Food Management Services, Inc.
Helms Food Service, Inc.
Hill Enterprises, Inc.
Hodges Management
Hope Street KFC, Inc.
Hospitality Syracuse, Inc.
Host International, Inc.
Houston Enterprises, Inc.
Hut Carolinas LLC
Indus KFNY Inc.
J. B. R., LTD.
J. F. Desmond Family Limited Partnership
J. Hubbard Company, Inc.
J. Mark Clark
J.A. Sutherland, Inc.
J.R.S. Restaurant Corp
Jack Marshall Foods, Inc.
JAK Foods, Inc.
Jalpa, Inc.
James E. Ogle and Angela M. Ogle
Jamyers, Inc.
Jefferis Foods, LLC
JEM Management Company
Jessie L. Mickle
JG&G, Inc.
Joint Heirs Food Corporation
Jomida, Inc.
J’s Four, Inc.
JSB Management, Inc.
K T Merrill, LLC
K.F.C. Take Home
Kazi Foods
KB Enterprises, LLC
KBP Foods
K-Corp. Lee, Inc.
KD Enterprises, LLC
Kedis Enterprises, LLC
Kelly J. Alexander
Kels Foods, Inc.
Kendall House, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Alamosa, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Benton, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Colbert, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Front Royal, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Ludington, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of McAlester, Oklahoma, Inc
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Meadville, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Peekskill, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Polly’s, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Sheboygan, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Valdosta, Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of W.E.M., Inc.
Kentucky Fried Chicken of Woonsocket, Inc.
KFC of Carmel, Inc.
KFC of Fountain Valley, Inc.
KFC of Johnstown, Inc.
KFC of Pawling, Inc.
KFC of Taunton
KFC of Utica, LLC
Kimsco, Inc.
Kin-Blum, Inc.
Kingsville Food Corp Inc.
K-Mac Enterprises, Inc.
Kokolas Management Company
Kotes Management, LLC
KSK Management, Inc.
Kyle Ogden
L & G Sharp, Inc.
L.P. Buller, L.L.C.
Ladybird Food Corporation
LAMYTO Enterprises, LLC
Lar-Mac, Inc.
Larry D. Hoover and Julie Hoover
LC Sharp, Inc.
LGL Pizza Hut, Inc.
Lisa A. Barton and Doris A. Lewis
Listenberger & Kozel LLC
Locust Grove Taco, LLC
Loky Inc.
Lorna Mundwiller
Lot Chicken, L.L.C.
Lucky 1 Holdings, Inc.
Lucky Dining, Inc.
Luihn VantEdge Partners, LLC
LuLu Food Service, Inc.
Lyon Management Co., Inc.
MAA DURGA Enterprise, LLC
Manuel Galhandro and Diana Galhandro
Marble USA Inc.
Maryland Cantina, LLC
Mas Restaurant Group, LLC
Mayer Management, Inc.
McKenzie Foods, Inc.
MDH Management LLC
Michael J. Broussard and Stephen B. Broussard
Mike and Teresa, Inc.
Mimi Kohl Weir and Kent A Weir
Mission Yogurt, Inc.
Mitra QSR
Mohammad S. Jubapa
Monte Alto, Inc.
Morgan Food Enterprises of Rochester, Inc.
Morricorp, Inc.
MSA, Inc.
MTLD, Inc.
Multi-Fast Food, LLC
NAC Restaurants, Inc.
Nacnud, Inc.
Net Management, Ltd.
New Jersey Restaurants, LLC
Noble Pursuit, LLC
Northwest Restaurants, Inc. – Robertson
Northwest Restaurants, Inc. – Sibert
Notyep, LLC
Oak Restaurants, LLC
Old Bridge KFC, Inc.
Oneonta Enterprises, Inc.
Orchard LLC
Orr Company, Inc.
Outlaw Enterprises, Inc.
P2 Restaurants Inc.
Pacific Bells, LLC
Pacific Restaurants, Inc.
PAK Foods
PAK Management
Palo Alto, Inc.
Paris & Potter Management Corporation
Peaceable Valley, L.L.C.
Pell City Kentucky Fried Chicken, Inc.
Phil Mook Enterprises, Inc.
Pilot Corporation
PMTD Restaurants, LLC
Pramukh, LLC
Pratt Chicken, Inc.
PRB Management, LLC
Prendiville Investments Corp. III
Pueblo Chicken, LLC
R & J Foods, LLC
R & R Ventures West, LLC
R&R Atlanta LLC
Rajdeep Food, Inc.
Ralph A. Harman Family Limited Partnership
Rayan National Corporation, Inc.
Rayville KFC, LLC
RCAP, Inc.
RCRB, Inc.
Restaurant Concept of U.S.A., Inc.
Rigel Corp. d/b/a Rigel Airport Service
RK Foods Enterprise Inc.
Roark Partners, LLC
Robert J. Kremer
Robert L. Atwell and Sandra K. Atwell
Rocky Rasmussen Enterprises, Inc.
Roubekas Enterprises Inc.
RRT Investments, Inc.
Rudy Garcia
Russell J. Flock
Sadruddin Rahemtullah
Salton City Petroleum, Inc.
Sanjiv K. Kanwar
Sanweco, Inc.
SASS Foods, Inc.
Satwinder, Singh
Saunders Foods, Inc.
Saveed R. Karan
Sayed Food Enterprises, Inc.
SC Food Group, LLC
Schaumburg Chicken, Inc.
Scottish Food Systems
Second Gen, Inc.
Selma Kentucky Fried Chicken, Inc.
Service America Corporation
Shahid Chaudhry and Mahmood Qadri
Sharif, Inc.
Shay Enterprises, Inc.
Sierra Foods LLC
Sikander S. Bana
Silveron, Inc.
Sims Group
Sirajunissa Syed and Ansar Syed
Somerset K Food Corp., Inc.
Sparta K, LLC
SRT Foods, LLC
ST Foods, Inc.
Steve DeClerck Enterprises, Inc.
Steven Saunders
Steward Food Co. LLC
Stewart Restaurant Group
Streamwood Chicken, Inc.
Sum, LLC
Sundance, Inc.
Surtico, Inc.
Sylvan Food Systems, Inc.
T & D Foods, Inc.
T R and J, Inc.
T.G.G., Inc.
TA Operating LLC
Tacala, LLC
Tahir Food Corporation
Taira’s Inc.
Talmadge Street, Inc.
Tasty Chick’n
Taylor Loesch and Keri Loesch
The Chaudhry Family Trust/Rifaat and Shahid Chaud*
The Chick, Inc.
The Tinsley Family Concessions, Inc.
Thompson Hospitality Services, LLC
Triple Play Concepts, LLC
Tri-State Food Systems, Inc.
Twin Cedars, Inc.
Two Beacons, LLC
Union Food Services, Inc.
V & L Drive-In, Inc.
Value Foodservice LLC
Van Dyke and Associates, Inc.
Venquest Investments and Properties LLC
Vest-AL Enterprises, Inc.
Victoria Food Corp Inc.
Vorrath Enterprises of Adrian, Inc.
Vorrath’s Enterprises of Monroe, Inc.
W & M Restaurants, Inc.
Watkins Take-Home Restaurants, Inc.
West Quality Foods
West Texas Foods, LLC
White, David R.
White, Inc.
Whiteford’s, Inc.
Widder Management, Ltd.
Willant, Inc.
William E. Morrow and Angela E. Morrow
William L. Luehrman
Windram Management Corp.
Wit-Rey, Inc.
Youngman, Inc.
Zoom Foods Inc
1014 Broad St. LLC
1601 S. Irby St. LLC
215 E. Liberty St. LLC
4630 West Broad St. LLC
564 K Food Corpparagraph
To Our Convention Sponsors
Basic American Foods
Beyond Meat
Booth Production
Brian Cahoe
Brother International
Comcast Business
Del Dotto Family Vineyards
Dr Pepper
Emerald City Band
FLG Chicken
George’s Inc
Golden State Foods
Henny Penny
Joan Bowling
Justin Patton
Justin Stewart
KBP Foods
Kevin Hochman
Kitchen Brains
Marcus & Millichap
Melanie Bootes
People’s United Bank
PRP Wine
Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions
Ron Gardner
Sacramento Kings
Stewart Restaurant Group
Summit Innovations
Todd Stewart
Ventura Foods
Whirley DrinkWorks
To Our Individual Donors
Abigail Williams
Alessandra Brown
Benjamin Ludwig
Carl VanNostrand
Carla Rothmann
Charlie Towne
Chris Caldwell
Colin Achenbach
Dale Black
Doug Knipp
James Butler
Joan Bowling
Joshua Bova
Justin Stewart
Kelly Shoffner
Kevin Hochman
Marissa Kenemer
Mark Everett
Matthew Hansen
Matthew Schabdach
Melanie Bootes
Mike Wesley
Nicolas Chavez
Raziel Valiente
Rob O’Neill
Rodney Walker
Ron Gardner
Scott Duke
Sherry Houston
Staci Rawls
Sylvia Havel
Todd Stewart
Trina Burnett
Trip Vornholt
Vijay Sukumar
Board of Directors

Justin Stewart
Board Chair
Stewart Restaurant Group, COO

Holly Winkel
Board Treasurer
NCAC, Marketing Director

Karen Ancira
Corporate Representative

Karen Adams
KFCC, Director of Field HR

Joan Bowling
Dunn & Bowling, Ltd., Owner

Tom Broome
Scottish Food Systems, Owner

Chris Caldwell

Nick Chavez

Mark Everett
KBP Foods, Division Vice President

Clinton Lewis
CL Food Enterprises, Owner
Emma Horn
Executive Director
Liz Gulick
Communication Manager
Brittany Gilbert
Program Specialist
Emily Shackleford
Administrative Assistant
Debbie Rollins
Program Leader

Laura Forbes

Beth Reid

GED Achievement partner

Scholarship partner

Savings Match Program partner

Partner University
for 100% Tuition Coverage

Brand Strategy & Design