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Hardship Assistance

Financial support to help you make it through a crisis

Receive financial assistance during an unexpected hardship, crisis, or natural disaster.

Qualifying Events How We Could Help
Car Accident Insurance deductible, car, repairs, household/medical bills
Death (employee or immediate family member) Funeral, headstone, cremation, plot expense
Natural disaster or house fire Insurance deductible, hotel stay, replacing belongings, car repairs, home repairs (if homeowner)
Major illness or injury away from work (employee, spouse, or dependent) Household/medical bills
Substance abuse treatment Professional counseling/treatment, household bills
Victim of domestic violence or crime Relocation expenses, household/medical bills

How Does It Work?

  1. Create a Salesforce account and submit an application.
    • Use a personal email address and these credentials to log back
      in, check your case status, and upload any requested
      supporting documents.
  2. You will receive an email informing you if your application was accepted for further review or if it is ineligible and has been denied.
  3. If accepted for review, you will receive an email containing further instructions and a link to upload supporting documents.
  4. You will be notified of whether your application qualifies for assistance and the amount awarded.
    • If your application is denied, we will provide additional resources that could be helpful.

Eligibility Requirements

  • I’m employed at a KFC restaurant in the U.S. participating in the KFC Foundation’s Annual Donation Program and in good standing
  • I’ve experienced an unexpected event in the U.S. in the last 90 days that has impacted my ability to pay necessary living expenses
  • This is my first time submitting a hardship assistance application, or it has been over 12 months since last being granted assistance through the KFC Foundation
  • I’m at least 18 years of age

Car accident

  • Household income documentation (most recent paystub)
  • Full police report from the accident
    Copy of your car insurance policy
  • Photos of damaged car
  • Invoice from body shop for repairs or document from insurance stating car is totaled
  • Physician document stating injury & ability to work (if applicable)


(employee or immediate family member)

  • Household income documentation (most recent paystub)
    1. NOT required if the deceased is a team member
  • Itemized bill from funeral home. Must include:
    1. The deceased’s name
    2. Date of passing
    3. Amount due
    4. Funeral home name, address, and phone number

Natural Disaster or House Fire

  • Household income documentation (most recent paystub)
  • Copy of your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy and/or car insurance policy, if applicable
  • Photos of damage to your home and/or car
  • Estimates for home repairs (homeowners only) and/or car repairs
  • Copy of fire report, if applicable

Major Illness or Injury Away From Work

(employee, spouse, or dependent)

  • Household income documentation (most recent paystub)
  • Physician document stating illness/injury/surgery and dates unable to work and/or date expected to return to work
  • Medical and/or household bills you need assistance with (must be current on payments)
  • Verification that you’ve applied for financial assistance such as short- or long-term disability, FMLA

Substance Abuse Treatment

  • Household income documentation (most recent paystub)
  • Letter of documentation from treatment facility/counselor
  • Invoice from facility/counselor for treatment
  • Household bills you need assistance with (must be current on payments)

Victim of Domestic Violence or Crime

  • Household income documentation (most recent paystub)
  • Full police report from date of incident
  • Household bills needing assistance with (must be current on payments)
  • Copy of active restraining order
  • Physician document stating illness/injury/surgery and dates unable to work and/or date expected to return to work, if applicable
  • Medical bills you need assistance with, if applicable

Additional documentation may be requested as your case moves forward.

Hardship FAQs

What if I can’t provide documentation to support my application?

Who is considered an immediate family member?

How long does it take to process an application?

Will I receive the funds directly if I am approved for financial assistance?

What if I did not know about the 90-day window and missed the opportunity to apply?

What should I do if I’m experiencing technical issues with my application?

What is my username?

Does the household bill have to be in my name?

Can I receive assistance for bills that are past due?

Additional Resources

The KFC Foundation has partnered with Crisis Text Line® to provide free 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention for the KFC family.

Need someone to talk to?
Text "Fries" to 741741 to text confidentially with a compassionate, trained Crisis Counselor.

To be eligible for the KFC Foundation’s programs, you must work at a KFC restaurant in the U.S. that participates in the KFC Foundation’s Franchise Donation Program.